The Alchemy of Perfomance: Artistic Process Revealed

In this compelling new series, unveil the synergistic blend of talent, technique, and creative impulse that brings performance to life. Dive into intimate interviews with a diverse array of artists as they share their personal journeys and the intricate craft that fuels their success.

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    • 1/12/24

    The Body: A Most Potent Form of Communication

    “A lot of what The Encounter deals with is just what we’re carrying in our bodies at this moment, and that really differs depending on who you are: what age you are, are you a performer, are you a lawyer, are you a 12-year old 5th grader? What we’re carrying in our bodies at this time: the grief, the hope, the loss, the mourning, the joy. What dreams do we carry right now and how can those sort of conjure – how can we conjure those in a way that we create material for a project.”